Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Newport Wedding Planner: Tip of the Day!

I am really excited about today's post...

My friend Tara Jones has a SECRET to share with us!

Here are some samples of Tara's work...it is simply exquisite and she is such a pleaure to work with!!

Tara's SECRET...

"I REALLY love to write.  In fact, everyday that I write (I do take days
off occasionally, not often), but everyday that I write, I always write
something that I'm not getting paid to write.  Just as my hobby.  I'm very
thankful that my work is something that I truly love. I even wrote a high

school English paper in calligraphy."!

For "brides on a budget" who are interested in addressing their own invitations...Tara shared these great SECRETS with us as well:

1. give yourself time (oh gosh I know this is difficult for a bride).
2. order white or off-white unlined envelopes
3. order plenty of extra envelopes (10-20% more than you think you'll need).
4. DO NOT buy a calligraphy pen, just a regular writing pen from an office
supply store will work fine. Black ink.
5. Use an index card to keep the lines straight.

Tara, your work is beautiful!!  Thank you for sharing your secrets and suggestions for "brides on a budget" with us!  Thank you also for this beautiful letter you wrote me...it is so pretty I want to frame it :-)

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