Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Newport Wedding Planner: what Raina Dawn Events is up to...

It is a late post today, but I haven't forgotten you!!  It has been busy here with a big wedding in Newport, Rhode Island next weekend, a new awesome couple who just hired Raina Dawn Events for their wedding and a fabulous luncheon today hosted by The Wedding Salon at The Harvard Club in NYC.

In a room full 50 of the top wedding planners in NYC, I was thrilled to be in attendance and the lucky gal who got to sit next to Carley Roney, Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of

I had a chance to mingle and meet some fabulous women in the industry.  My favorite aspect of the luncheon... listening to Carley's presentation and having the opportunity to chat with her over lunch.  My feelings were confirmed...I am definitely in touch with "The Millennial Bride" ;-)

With my new blog Secrets, my new Facebook page, my "Virtual Project Manager" & more...I feel connected to "The Millennial Bride".

Something many of you don't that all of my clients get their own personalized "Virtual Project Manager".  They can log in from anywhere through my Client Login off of my website.  It is interactive, organized, fun and basically the virtual space where all of the wedding planning happens between my clients and myself.  I worked long and hard to find the right tool and high tech solution to organized planning for my clients and the result...their own VPM!

I was reminded today that many wedding planners, especially the ones who have been in the biz for years, do not want to reveal "their secrets".  As for me... don't forget to sign up to read my SECRETS in your RSS reader & become a fan of mine on Facebook!

And Carley, great advice...I should know having been a photo editor for nine years... everyone loves photos and less copy.  Tomorrow is a new day and then there is FridayPHOTOGRPAHY!!

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